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Review No.2

A few weeks ago I was given a preview sample of Stu Perrins & Armando Zanker’s ‘Chrono-Cat’ being published by indie comic powerhouse Markosia and have a confession to make. It was the first time I’ve ever read a digital comic. I’m a traditionalist at heart because I love the tactile feel of paper between my fingertips. That’s why I’ve always been somewhat dismissive of the digital comic format but think ‘Chrono-Cat’ has gone a long way towards changing my mind.

Being able to zoom into each panel really shows off the quality of the artwork. I really liked the whimsical feel of what I’ve seen and read. It reminds me of some kind of mash-up of Hergé’s classic ‘Tin Tin’ and vintage cartoons like ‘Biker Mice from Mars’.

The title character is sort of like a parody of Rocket from Guardians of The Galaxy or rather a commentary on how that kind of character has become a trope in contemporary sci-fi.

The story starts off in a Savage Land setting with our feline protagonist confronting a criminal mastermind attempting to hold the present ransom via threatening to destroy the past. The scene culminates with an anthropomorphic cat punching a T-Rex in the nose. If that’s not worth a few bucks to see, I don’t know what is.

The real antagonist is introduced in the second act and he’s a fantastic counterpoint to our hero. He reminds me of a cross between Limburger from ‘Biker Mice from Mars’ and Minion from ‘Megamind’.

All in all, the book is top notch and I can’t wait to get my hands on a printed copy, so if you want one, please form an orderly queue, behind me that is!!!


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